Saturday, February 7, 2009

Reflections on "Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist"

Okay, I've said it before, and I will say it again: Lousy movies really chap my hide. I was looking forward to Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist. I like Michael Cera. I'm a sucker for stories in which cool teenagers (i.e., smart, anti-superficial, funny) triumph over privileged, fake ones. And, I was led to believe this movie would have a great it was with high expectations that we popped the DVD into the machine tonight.

Oh, I failed to mention that this movie was a critical darling when it was playing in theaters. It must have been a slow couple of weeks because this flick is a doodie (as Spalding would say)!

What can I say? Michael Cera phoned it in. The three female characters were boring, grating and just plain stupid, not necessarily in that order. The dialogue was cliche, spartan, and unimaginative.

The highlight of the action for the first hour (it was only an hour and 24 minutes long--thank God) consisted of a drunken 17-year-old puking in a public toilet, dropping her phone and gum in said toilet, fishing them out and reinserting the gum in her mouth.

The love story was boring, lame and completely uninspired. In order to convince us that Norah and Nick really belong together, we have a scene early in the movie where the villain (Nick's ex) tells Norah that she's "heard on the street" that Norah has never had an orgasm. This is so that at the end of the movie, when Nick and Norah are having sex (in a recording studio), we can hear and see Norah's tremendous "O" on the sound board. Ewwww!

The soundtrack pretty much sucks, by the way.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am not a great fan of hollywood. This does not mean that I can stay away though. One is trapped by the sheer logic of business.

Hollywood is really a bank. I read this somewhere. Creativity is elsewhere. Movies have been so genetically modified that they cannot live without the bank and its requirements for a or b and z in exactly that order and in exactly that proportion.

You could always go elsewhere. But your movie will never be seen.

Harrison Ford will always top a Ghoriandi BOlinski especially when a ticket costs the same. Bolinski may have a bullwhip, the movie might have snakes and nazis but the ticket still costs the same and I will go see Harrison Ford because the art house down the street doesnt like popcorn and bad tempered people lounge in the walkways.

The internet might come up with alternatives. But I doubt it. The bank requires real expensive tech nowadays and they have monopolies.

What makes a movie anyway? We have to go back to basics. Talk about how a movie is done... how technique is manifested... le plan americain, le plan european, that actor went to that school. You can see this in... get some real music not recycled hits from the seventies. Hear real accents. Not Anthony Hopkins and his welsh passing as high brow english or Russell Crowe being a cowboy. Let us have sexy women, not teen nudity to stir our prurient audiences. If we must have blood, let it be real. Let is have a real story. Let is hear about the writer. And let us be real critics. When was the last hero critic quoted. The bank has even taken over the critics.

she ran through the gamut of emotions for a to b. (I wont google to get the exact quote, just the meaning). This is good stuff. But critics lack the courage and the bank has strict rules even on the internet. Rotten tomatoes is really rotten now that it is rich..... anyway....