Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Indiana Jones 4: Major Bummer

Okay, so we just rented Indiana Jones. It was in a word a "bummer." Sure, it was competent. Harrison Ford is still (potentially) hot. And it was a pleasure watching Karen Allen in action again. But this was a half-assed effort. At first, I couldn't put my finger on it. What was the film lacking? Joy. When I was a junior or senior in high school, the first Indiana Jones movie came out. I saw it three times the first day. And even though I have seen it many times since that first day, I still remember the utter joy I felt during every moment of that movie. This one was a modest effort. I mean, how can you make Shia Labeouf boring? But he was so...uninspired. Cate Blanchett just seemed annoyed, and the Natasha accent was so bad. The final straw for me came with the ending. Can anyone say, Mummy rip off? What a disappointment.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I haven't seen it, but you know a movie is lacking if it rips off "The Mummy."
