Saturday, July 11, 2009

Worst Movies I Have Ever Seen

I have seen a lot of crappy movies, but the ones on this list make my "worst list" because they were overrated, they kept me hanging to the end only to reveal themselves as art house crap or they were deemed better than the best movies of their time. These are not necessarily in any order, with the exception of #1, which has always been and will likely remain the movie that pissed me off more than any other--it falls into all three of the categories.

1. The Cook, the Thief, His Wife and Her Lover
2. The Girl in a Swing
3. Boxing Helena
4. Thelma and Louise
5. Ghost
6. Dancing with Wolves
7. Vinyan
8. Curse of the Jade Scorpion
9. Casualties of War
10. The Running Man
11. Bad Lieutenant
12. The Passion of the Christ
13. Crash (Cronenberg, 1996)
14. Field of Dreams
15. Code 46