Monday, November 17, 2008

Top Ten Lists

Yes, it's that time of the year. Time for the Top 10 Lists.

Here's my first list of favorites.

Top 10 Directors & Their Best Flicks
Mike Nichols (The Graduate)
Woody Allen (Manhattan)
Martin Scorsese (Good Fellas)
Coen Brothers (The Big Lebowski)
Ingmar Bergman (Through a Glass Darkly)
Buster Keaton (The General)
David Lynch (Blue Velvet)
Terrence Malik (Days of Heaven)
Quentin Tarentino (Pulp Fiction)
Wes Anderson (Rushmore)

Honorable Mention
Francis Ford Coppola (Apocalypse Now)
Ang Lee (Ice Storm)
Gus Van Sant (Drugstore Cowboy)
Stanley Kubric (Full Metal Jacket)
Alfred Hitchcock (Rear Window)
John Boorman (Excalibur)